
  1. Why are Noach’s qualities, instead of his sons’ names, mentioned in the first posuk?

  2. “In his generations,” etc. (posuk 1) What is the dispute among Chazal (our Sages) about this?

  3. How does Noach compare to Avrohom’s greatness? Proof?

  4. What were the three major sins of the generation of the flood?

  5. Did good people also suffer in the flood? Proof? Reason?

  6. Which sin caused their final verdict to be sealed against them? Proof?

  7. For how many years did Noach build the taiva (ark/box)? Why was this safety method used?

  8. How was Moshe’s taiva built differently than Noach’s? Why?

  9. What were the dimensions of the taiva? How many floors were there? Their uses?

  10. Why was its roof made narrow? Why was its door on its side?

  11. How did they get light into the taiva? (Two opinions.)

  12. In punishing the human race, Hashem partly agreed with advice of long ago. Explain.

  13. What are the three meanings of the word mabul? Why was a covenant necessary?

  14. Since many of the animals became perverted, how did Noach know whom to admit?

  15. Were there any species of animals that were not saved? Which kind of species came in pairs?

  16. Prove that in the presence of a person we do not praise his good qualities too highly. Why? And in his absence? Proof?

  17. Prove that Noach studied and knew Torah. How about Avrohom?

  18. Why did Noach take in seven pairs of kosher animals, but only one pair of others?

  19. It does not mention whether the seven pairs of birds were kosher ones. Were they? Proof?

  20. Why was there an additional wait of seven days (+120 years) before the mabul started?

  21. How many days did it rain? Why that number?

  22. In pesukim 6:22 and 7:5 it says, “And Noach did,” etc. Why the repetition?

  23. Why were the men and women prohibited from cohabitation in the taiva?

  24. How old was Noach when the mabul started? And his sons? (Check Bereishis 5:32.)

  25. Was Noach absolutely certain in his belief that the mabul would come? Proof?

  26. The mabul started in the second month. Which month was it, according to the Sages?

  27. First it says the mabul came, and later it says the rain came. How do we resolve this?

  28. Why was it necessary to state, “In the midst of that day Noach came in,” etc?

  29. Many people were killed (not drowned) right after Noach entered the taiva. Why?

  30. How deep was the taiva in the water when it was carried by the mabul?

  31. The waters went higher than the tallest mountains. How much higher?

  32. Which living species were safe even though they weren’t in the taiva? Proof? Why?

  33. In what kind of health condition did Noach survive? Why?

  34. Why is Hashem’s Name of Judgment mentioned in connection with stopping the mabul?

  35. Was Noach doing anything to stop the mabul while he was inside?

  36. When Hashem decided to destroy this generation, His Name of Mercy is used. Why?

  37. Which merits of the animal inhabitants of the taiva did Hashem remember?

  38. Why doesn’t it say, “all the springs closed up,” as it says at the opening of the parsha?

  39. If the taiva’s ‘Window’ was a precious stone, what does it mean that “Noach opened the window” (to send out the birds)?

  40. The raven didn’t go where Noach sent him. Where did he go? Why?

  41. It says that the raven had another destination later in history. Which?

  42. The dove (yona‎) was sent out many times. How many? What happened each time?

  43. What was the symbol of the olive leaves in the dove’s mouth?

  44. How long did the whole mabul experience last?

  45. In which month did the water dry? When did the earth dry completely?

  46. In what way can it be said that the taiva was a foretaste of Moshiach's times?

  47. What behavior were the animals committed to after leaving the taiva?

  48. From which kinds of animals and birds did Noach take korbanos (sacrifices)? (See 8:19.)

  49. How did Noach know that he had to bring korbanos?

  50. What promise did Hashem make after Noach’s korbanos?

  51. What reason did He give for His promise? (See 6:5.)

  52. When does a person get his yetze’r horah (evil inclination)? Explain.

  53. In the haftorah of this parsha, it says that Hashem made an oath for the future. Where is this hinted here?

  54. Into how many seasons is the year divided here? Which months are included in each?

  55. How were the seasons affected during the period of the mabul?

  56. What kind of power was given to the human beings over the animals?

  57. What new kind of food was the new generation allowed to eat? Why?

  58. What kind of meat and blood were nevertheless forbidden to them? Why?

  59. The taking of human life became forbidden to all. Explain.

  60. When is a murderer punished by a human court and when by Hashem?

  61. Why is it forbidden to destroy human life but not animal life?

  62. It is said that we have a reference here to the punishment of Olom Haboh (the World to Come). Explain.

  63. “Be fruitful and multiply,” etc. This was already said to Adam; why the repetition?

  64. Noach was still worried. Why? What assurance did he get now?

  65. What does the rainbow symbolize? Did all generations need it? Why?

  66. If everything was destroyed, how was Noach able to plant a vineyard?

  67. The planting of this vineyard was a mistake. Why? Who else sinned with wine?

  68. Noach’s three sons behaved quite differently during their father’s trouble. Explain.

  69. What special reward did Shem get? Why? And Yefes?

  70. What was the curse that Noach put on Cnaan? Why?

  71. What is hinted here about the difference between the first and second Beis Hamikdash (Sanctuary)?

  72. Who was Nimrod? What were his activities? How did Ashur react to them?

  73. There was a prophet in those days called Eiver. What was his prophecy?

  74. “They spoke one language.” Which? “They had one idea.” What are the opinions about this?

  75. “And Hashem came down to see,” etc. What lesson is given here to human judges?

  76. “The sons of Adam” (11:5). Why are they connected here to Adam?

  77. What was the punishment of the dor haflaga (generation of dispersion)?

  78. That generation, unlike the generation of the mabul, has lost their share in Olom Haboh. What great lesson do we learn here about peace and harmony?

  79. How did Terach cause the death of his son Horon?

  80. What was the difference between Avrohom’s faith and that of Horon?

  81. Sara was called Yiska‎. What are the various meanings of this name?

  82. “And Terach died in Choron.” Did he actually die at this time? Explain.

  83. Until Avrohom there was Hashem’s anger in the world. And with Avrohom?