
  1. Which items of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) are described in this parsha?

  2. How many items (materials) were needed for the building of the Mishkan?

  3. Three different types of contributions are hinted at in the first posuk. Find the hints and describe the contributions.

  4. A number of precious metals are mentioned. Which one had to be contributed in equal amounts by all?

  5. The wool they used had to be of various colors. Which?

  6. They used two (or three) types of animal skins. Of which animals?

  7. Which item was available (by a miracle) only then and is no more?

  8. What was the oil used for? The spices (besomim)? The precious stones?

  9. How did they get sheetim (cedar) wood in the desert?

  10. In posuk 9 why does it say “and so you shall do” after saying it in posuk 8? Were the keilim (utensils) in the first Beis Hamikdash similar to those in the Mishkan? Why?

  11. Why does it say in posuk 8, “And I shall dwell in them,” rather than in it?

  12. How was the aron (ark) ‘covered’ with gold inside and outside? What were its dimensions? Which neis (miracle) is related to its space?

  13. Why was there a ‘crown’ made on top of the aron?

  14. What other parts did the aron have besides the ‘boxes’ and the ‘crown’?

  15. What were these: taba’os‎, badim‎, eidus‎, kapores‎, za’ir‎, tzalos‎?

  16. How many keruvim‎ were there? How were they made? What kind of ‘face’ did they have? Where were the keruvim‎ located?

  17. “And I shall speak to you from on top of the kapores.” Where did the Voice really come from and where did Moshe hear it?

  18. The shulchon‎ (table) also had a ‘crown.’ Why? Where was it placed?

  19. What other parts did the shulchon‎ have? What food was on it?

  20. Why is the bread called lechem hapanim‎? Who ate it? When?

  21. Why does it say the menorah should be made rather than you shall make it?

  22. How many candlesticks did the menorah have? How many other parts? How tall was it? Which kind of tools served the menorah?

  23. Where was Moshe shown the works of the Mishkan?

  24. How many curtains did the Mishkan have? What were their dimensions?

  25. What was the roof of the Mishkan made of? Dimensions?

  26. How many boards (kerashim‎) did they use? Dimensions of each keresh‎?

  27. What were the adonim‎? What were they used for? How many were there? Which donations went into the making of the adonim‎?

  28. What were the brichim‎, tabaas‎, yados‎?

  29. What was the paroches‎? What was it used for? Dimensions?

  30. What was the name of the paroches‎ in the (first) Beis Hamikdash? Dimensions?

  31. Where was each of these placed: shulchon‎, menorah‎, aron‎?

  32. The Gemora says that if one wants to pray for wisdom he should turn southward, and for riches, northward. Can you find a reason for it here?

  33. What was the mizbeyach made from? Its dimensions?

  34. What other keilim belonged to the mizbeyach? What were they made of? Which part of the mizbeyach was similar (by name and purpose) to the aron and shulchon?

  35. How big was the chatzeir‎ (courtyard) of the Mishkan? And its curtains?

  36. What was the purpose of the masach‎ for the Mishkan and the one for the chatzeir‎? Their dimensions?

  37. Is there a mitzvoh that still applies in our times (also) that we learn from this parsha?

  38. Define and state the purpose of these:

    1. Vovim

    2. Amudim

    3. Siros

    4. ya’im

    5. Mizrkos

    6. Mizlgos

    7. Machtos

    8. Michbar

    9. Karkov

    10. Reshes

    11. Kilayim

    12. Kronos

    13. Yeseidos

    14. Krosim

    15. Lulaos

    16. Malkochos

    17. Kaftorim

    18. Konim

    19. Gviyim

    20. Prachim

    21. Ke’oros

    22. Kapos

    23. Ksavos

    24. Menakiyos

    25. Misgeres

    26. za’ir

    27. Kenafayim

  39. There are five (or six) pesukim in the Torah which contain a word that could be read with the first half or with the second half of the posuk. These doubts have not been resolved. This parsha has one of these pesukim. Which is it?