
  1. “Come to Paroh,” etc. For what purpose?

  2. If Hashem hardened Paroh’s heart, why does Paroh deserve punishment?

  3. What was the purpose of the makos if Paroh would refuse anyway?

  4. What was the arbeh (locusts) supposed to do to the land of Mitzrayim?

  5. Where is there a hint in the first posuk that three makos will come? (See Baal Haturim.)

  6. What did Paroh’s servants say to him when they heard about the locusts?

  7. How did Paroh want to compromise upon hearing about the locusts?

  8. What historic description is given to arbeh?

  9. A similar description is given to another locust attack. Which was greater?

  10. According to the Midrash, how did Moshe’s prayers help to change the astrologers’ prediction?

  11. How was the removal of the locusts different from the removal of the frogs?

  12. What was the difference between the first and last three days of darkness?

  13. How was Paroh willing to compromise after being hit with darkness? What was Moshe’s answer?

  14. What two important purposes were served by the makah of darkness?

  15. What warning did Paroh give to Moshe after the darkness? What did Moshe answer?

  16. Why did Hashem insist that Moshe ask the people to get the ‘good things’ from the Egyptians?

  17. When was Moshe told about the last makah (makas bechoros, slaying of the firstborn)? Proof?

  18. Why did Moshe say ‘around midnight’ while Hashem said ‘at midnight’?

  19. Why did the tenth plague of the firstborn affect the captives? The slaves? The cattle?

  20. Prove that despite everything, Paroh was accorded his respects by Moshe.

  21. Where did Hashem speak to Moshe about the Korban Pesach (Passover sacrifice)?

  22. What was Moshe told about Rosh Chodesh? About the month of Nissan?

  23. In which part of the day did Hashem speak to Moshe? What difficulty did Moshe have?

  24. Why were they told only this one time to take the lamb four days before its sacrifice?

  25. When is the Korban Pesach brought? Who may eat from it? Who may not?

  26. Why is the korban called Pesach? On which side of the door was the blood put? Proof?

  27. On which days of Pesach is the eating of matzo (unleavened bread) voluntary? Proof?

  28. What is the punishment for eating chametz (leaven)?

  29. What may be done on Yom Tov which may not be done on Shabbos? Source?

  30. Of the ‘four sons,’ whose questions and answers are mentioned in our parsha? Where?

  31. “The Jews dwelt…​ 430 years!” But they were in Mitzrayim only 210 years? Explain.

  32. Which other mitzvos (connected with yetzias Mitzmyim, the exodus from Egypt) are mentioned in the two parshiyos of tefillin (Kadaish, Vehaya) at the end of this sedra (parsha)?