Yom Kippur

  1. Why is kapores done (best) early in the morning?

  2. Can one do kapores with things other than chickens? If yes, with what?

  3. What mitzvoh is available at the time of the slaughtering?

  4. What if the slaughtering went wrong, do you have to get another chicken?

  5. What is the idea behind the custom of kapores?

  6. What is done with the slaughtered kapores? (Two possibilities.)

  7. What is the important mitzvoh on Erev Yom Kippur? Why?

  8. Certain sins are not forgiven on Yom Kippur. Which? What can we do for it?

  9. On Erev Yom Kippur we go to the mikvah three times (if possible). When are these done?

  10. All men should get makos (floggings) on Erev Yom Kippur. How? When?

  11. Lots of tzedakah is given on Erev Yom Kippur (according to your ability). Could you use maaser?

  12. We ask for honey-cake (lekach) on Erev Yom Kippur. Why? From whom?

  13. How much does one have to eat on Erev Yom Kippur? When is this done?

  14. The meal before the fast has a special name. What? Why?

  15. What is definitely avoided at this meal (though it’s important at the earlier meal)?

  16. It is best to finish the late meal at least one half-hour before sunset. Why?

  17. If is an important custom for parents to bless their children after candle-lighting (or close to it). Could you do it on the phone? Will you ask for it?

  18. If you want to eat or drink or brush your teeth after that meal, can you?

  19. Give two reasons for the custom or wearing (for married men) a kittel (white robe/coat) on Yom Kippur?

  20. What is the content of Kol Nidrei? Why is it so important?

  21. Before Kol Nidrei we quietly say the Vidui. This is the second time, When was the first?

  22. The second posuk of Shma (‘Baruch Shem’) is said loudly on Yom Kippur. Why?

  23. When we say the long Vidui we mention sins we might not personally have done. Why do we say them?

  24. How many times of prayer do we have on Yom Kippur? What are their names?

  25. What do we read in the Torah in the morning and at Minchah time on Yom Kippur? Why?

  26. Maftir Yonah is very famous for being read at Minchah time; some people offer large sums for tzedakah to bid for it. What story is told there?

  27. The number of aliyos is greater on Yom Kippur than other holidays. How many are there? Why?

  28. We say Yizkor (after the first Torah reading) on Yom Kippur. Why?

  29. In what ways is Yom Kippur like Shabbos (instead of like Yam Tov)?

  30. What are the five personal physical needs that are forbidden on Yom Kippur? When is one allowed to wash (hands, etc.)?

  31. Who is exempt from fasting?

  32. Why isn’t Yom Kippur observed for two days as are the other [yomim-tovim]?

  33. What is the main mitzvoh for the day of Yom Kippur?

  34. What are the proper moods for us on Erev Yom Kippur and on Yom Kippur itself?

  35. At the end of the day’s prayers we repeat some pesukim. Which one do we do three times?

  36. What should we have in mind when we say Shma at day’s end? Why?

  37. When do we blow the shofar (one Tekiah) at day’s end? Why?

  38. When do we sing the joyous victory march and dance? Why?

  39. At day’s end we say something about Jerusalem. What? What do they say in Jerusalem?

  40. What is the proper greeting at the end of Yom Kippur? And in the days after?

  41. May we eat after Maariv? Meat? When do we wash negel vasser?

  42. Weather permitting, we do Kiddush Levana after Maariv. Why?

  43. How is the Shmoneh Esrei of this Maariv different from the Shmoneh Esrei of the past ten days?

  44. What is the most desirable activity after breaking the fast?

  45. Explain these terms:

    1. avodah

    2. ne’ilah

    3. Duchenen

    4. kohein-gadol

    5. asara harugei malchus

    6. chamisha inuyim

    7. kori’in

    8. Tevilohs

    9. bigdei lavan

    10. bigdei zahav

    11. sei’ir la’azazel

    12. gemar-chasimah-tovah