Ki Savo

  1. When did the people start to bring bikurim?

  2. How many kinds of produce are obligated in bikurim? Which?

  3. Fruits don’t ripen at the same time. How does a person know which to take?

  4. Can a person read the parsha and bring bikurim twice a year? Proof?

  5. What is the purpose of bringing bikurim? And reading the parsha?

  6. Did Lavan actually harm Yaakov? How does the Torah say it? How does Hashem treat us differently than other nations?

  7. Where are the bikurim brought? What is done with them?

  8. Which of Hashem’s favors to us are listed here?

  9. When else do we read this portion (pesukim 5-8) besides this Shabbos?

  10. Which time of the year is the proper season to bring bikurim? After that? Proof?

  11. Do the Levi’im bring bikurim? Converts? What about saying the parsha?

  12. When is the time to clean out the tithes (maasros) and say Vidui (confession statement)?

  13. What is the order for the giving of the various maasros? During the six years?

  14. Why is the third year (in the six-year cycle) called ‘the maaser year’ (in the singular form)?

  15. When the maasros are cleaned out of the house the owner must say Vidui. What are the two positive and two negative things he mentions?

  16. “I did according to your commandment,” etc. (26:13) What specifically is mentioned here?

  17. “I didn’t transgress your commandments,” etc. Which aveiros did he not do?

  18. “Look out from your holy abode,” etc. What request is made here? The connection?

  19. What message came by Heavenly voice (bas kol) to the Bikurim-bringer?

  20. pesukim 17-19 tell of reciprocal actions between Hashem and us. What?

  21. When they crossed the Yarden, they had to do two mitzvos with stones. How?

  22. Which shevatim were on Mount Evol and which on Grizim?

  23. Where were the Levi’im and the holy Ark? What were the Levi’im doing?

  24. How many curses were pronounced? On which aveiros?

  25. How is the tribe of Shimon singled out here? What are we to learn from it?

  26. The last warning (curse) was of a general nature. Explain.

  27. Divide the blessings (In 28:1-14) into four categories.

  28. Which particular blessing among the above is particularly related to Rosh Hashonoh? (Hint: the customs of Rosh Hashonoh night)

  29. What are the customs in reading the Tochecha in shul?

  30. What curses were said concerning the donkey, the ox, and the sheep?

  31. There is a curse about borrowing money. Explain.

  32. The first set of curses appears in parshas Bechukosai (in sefer Vayikra). What is the difference between them and those in our parsha (in severity and number)?

  33. Give one example to show that the curses here are more lenient.

  34. There is one posuk that gives a reason for these curses. Which?

  35. Someone (something) is compared to the swiftness of an eagle. Which?

  36. These curses and punishments are compared to some that Bnei Yisroel saw. Which?

  37. In what connection are boats mentioned here?

  38. “A heart to understand and eyes to see until this day.” What reaction of Bnei Yisroel proved that now they truly appreciated the Torah?

  39. Why will the responsibility of the Jewish nation become bigger and more serious from now on (referring to question 38)?

  40. When does a talmid truly understand his Rebbe’s words? Proof?

  41. What is the significance of reading this parsha at year’s end?

  42. Prove that understanding Torah and seeing things right is a gift from Hashem.


  1. What does the 18th of Elul mean to you? How does that make you feel proud?

  2. Can you find a connection between this parsha and this month?

  3. Do you know the story of how the Alter Rebbe used to read this parsha?